Rock Garden Karwar - Uttara Kannada KARNATAKA 2019 - Must visit
Karnataka - Karwar is a port city in Uttar Kannada District.
#Culture of Uttarakannada
#Tibet life of Uttarakannada
Rock Garden Info in Hindi
Karwar local language is Kannada and local food Fish most popular made in coconut.
Here i wont go much deep about Uttar Kannada Karwar.
When someone speak about Rock Garden everyone wonder about Chandigarh Rock Garden its one of the famous place in Chandigarh Punjab.
Let me give you few details about Rock Garden of Karwar along with my experience.
This place is located near beach which is the best part of it. Entry ticket cost Adult Rs.35 Child Rs. 25 I visited in the month of March 2019.
Direct entry no huge line or multiple gates there is only one entrance. The very first view is beautiful fountain center of gate surrounded by some flowers, rock structures, on the ride hand side lots of glass bottle are used to make some attractive wall.
Rock Garden Karwar Uttarkanada |
After going 5-6 steps down straight is huge fisher man statue holding a big fish standing along with family and below some wooden boats nice place for photo shoot full of greenery.
As you move left hand size again you can see small artificial wooden bridge real water flowing beneath bridge both side of bridge water flow surrounded by rocks.
After crossing bridge the entire scene gets change there is no link between the name of Rock Garden. When i saw rest of the things i thought this name should be changed to Tibetan lifestyle in Uttara Kannada. However its just my thought Its really beautiful place to visit and i was amazed to known about Uttara Kannada.
There are lots of huts, statues, garden, very well described about Tibetan lifestyle. I have shared some of the photographs which i have click during a visit. Each picture is described the the lifestyle of Tibetan. The dressing, food, living style, work, culture, instruments etc...
It took almost 1 hour to check each an every spot, there is one more best part of it if you carry any child along with you there is a playground where lot of things are there for kids as well as for adult.
After getting tied you can have some snacks, tea, coffee and soft drinks inside park. Seat an relax as much as you want. Its very spacious and less crowd so nice place to hangout with friends and family.
Work is still going on... If i get another chance to go will update more about it.
Rock Garden Karwar Uttarkanada - SIDDI COMMUNITY Located at Haliyala, Yellapura, Ankola, Joida, Karvar, Mundgod and Sirsi. Siddi's are unique tribal community with a African decent, dwelling in the deep tropical greens of UttaraKannada. |
#Culture of Uttarakannada
#Tibet life of Uttarakannada
Rock Garden Info in Hindi
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प्रवेश टिकट की कीमत वयस्क Rs.35 बाल रु। 25 मैंने मार्च 2019 के महीने में दौरा किया।
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